Kamis, 26 Januari 2023

Mengenal Describing a person atau Deskripsi Seseorang

Describing a Person

  Hi friends selamat datang kembali di blog saya. Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang teks deskriptif yang berhubungan dengan manusia atau cara mendeskripsikan orang atau  describing a person.

 Sebelum itu kita harus mengenal terlebih dahulu apa itu teks deskripsi. Teks deskriptif atau descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan sesuatu secara detail sehingga orang yang tidak melihat langsung bisa mengetahui seperti apa kira-kira bentuk aslinya. Tentunya berdasarkan persepsi masing-masing, tergantung apa yang dilihat dan rasakan.

  Lalu describing a person digunakan dalam keperluan apa saja?describing a person bisa digunakan dalam hal investigasi, seperti contoh nya mencari orang hilang, menjelaskan ciri-ciri korban atau pun pelaku, bisa juga untuk keperluan pendaftaran/perekrutan seperti contoh untuk menjadi tentara harus memiliki tinggi minimal berapa cm, atau akan bertemu sesorang yang belum pernah kita temui dan lain sebagainya. 

 Struktur yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif terdiri atas identifikasi (pengenalan) dan deskripsi (penjelasan lebih rincinya/detail).

  Dalam mendeskripsian orang sebagai benda digunakan kata yang mewakili ciri wajah, badan, kebiasaan, profesi ,dll. Tapi tidak harus semuanya secara detail disebut atau dituliskan. Biasanya orang mendeskripsikan orang lain hanya berdasar ciri paling mencolok.

  Sebelum mendeskripsikan seseorang, kita perlu mengenal tiga aspek penting yang akan dibutuhkan; yakni adjectives, descriptive words/phrases, dan personality/characteristics.

1. Adjectives

Adjective atau kata sifat adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan atau memodifikasi seseorang /benda/tempat/konsep dalam sebuah kalimat. Adjective dapat berlaku sebagai predikat, bisa juga untuk menjelaskan kata benda yang berhubungan dengan orang. Untuk keperluan descriptive text tentang seseorang, contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:

-Maria is smart and beautiful (Maria pintar dan cantik)

-Her parents are older than mine (Orangtuanya lebih tua dari orangtuaku)

-Amber has long, curly hair (Amber memiliki rambut keriting yang panjang)

-John is a long-legged guy (John adalah laki-laki berkaki panjang)

2. Descriptive words & phrases

Selanjutnya, kita perlu mengenal descriptive words atau kata deskriptif untuk menjelaskan tentang seseorang. Descriptive words juga bisa berupa adjective atau kata sifat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh descriptive words/phrases yang berhubungan tentang ciri fisik seseorang.

Complexion(warna kulit):

light (putih)

fair (cerah)

tan (kecoklatan)

dark (gelap)

Height(tinggi badan):

tall (tinggi)

short (pendek)

of medium height(sedang)


old (tua)

young (muda)

middle-aged (paruh baya)

elderly (tua, usia lanjut)

Build/Figure(bentuk tubuh):

small (kecil)

big (besar)

skinny (kurus)

slim (ramping)

fat (gemuk)

stocky (kekar)

uscular (berotot)


beautiful, pretty (cantik)

cute (imut, manis)

attractive (menarik)

cool (keren)

ugly (jelek)

3. Personality/characteristics

Dalam mendeskripsikan seseorang, seringkali kita juga menggambarkan kepribadian atau karakteristiknya. Tiap-tiap orang memiliki ragam sifat yang tidak hanya positif namun juga ada yang negatif. Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh kepribadian/karakteristik seseorang dari yang baik serta yang buruk.

Good personal qualities Bad personal qualities

polite (sopan) selfish (egois)

honest (jujur) 

arrogant (sombong, angkuh)

optimistic (optimis) careless (ceroboh)

generous (murah hati, dermawan) 

short tempered(pemarah)

diligent (rajin) 

greedy (tamak, serakah)

confident (percaya diri) stingy (pelit)

trustworthy (dapat dipercaya)

Irresponsible (tidak bertanggung jawa

Word Order

Word order in English atau susunan kata dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bagian dari tata bahasa yang wajib diketahui. Mengapa? Karena susunan kata yang berbeda dalam bahasa Inggris bisa memiliki makna yang berbeda. Alhasil, jika teman-teman salah menyusun kata dalam sebuah kalimat, bisa jadi apa yang ingin disampaikan menyampaikan makna yang tak sesuai dengan maksud yang ingin teman-teman sampaikan. 

  Untuk menyusun kata setidaknya, teman-teman harus memiliki subject, verb, dan object. Susunan kata yang tepat pada jenis kalimat ini adalah subject diikuti oleh verb, lalu object.

Subject biasanya berupa orang, benda, atau tempat. Kemudian diikuti verb atau aksi yang dilakukan oleh subject.

Selain aksi, verb juga bisa berupa state of being atau keadaan objek tersebut. Lalu sama halnya dengan subject, object juga bisa berupa orang, benda, atau tempat yang mendapat verb dari subject.

Sebagai contoh, pada kalimat, “I eat banana,” kata “I” berperan sebagai subjek. Lalu kata, “eat” bertugas sebagai verb untuk menunjukkan aksi yang dilakukan oleh subjek.

Nah, sementara itu, “banana” adalah kata benda yang berperan sebagai object dalam kalimat tersebut. Berarti, “banana” mendapatkan perlakukan berupa “eat” dari “I”.

Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat tentang deskripsi sesorang

Aldo is my friend from Jambi, he is very kind and handsome boy. (Aldo adalah temanku yang berasal dari Jambi, dia sangat baik hati dan ganteng) 

Donita is very thin and tall. (Donita sangat kurus dan tinggi)

Fitri is very beautiful, she's tall and slim. (Fitri sangat cantik, dia tinggi dan langsing)

He is bald, chubby, and cheerful. (Dia botak, gemuk dan periang) L

Sisca has long black curly hair. (Sisca punya rambut panjang yang keriting) 

Mahardika has brown and sharp eyes. (dia punya mata biru yang tajam) 

My father is very kind and calm. (Ayahku sangat baik hati dan tenang) She has pointed nose and white skin. (dia memiliki hidung panjang dan kulit putih) 

Shintya is my cousin, she is cute and cheerful. (Sintya adalah sepupuku, dia lucu dan ceria)

Yusuf is the smartest students in the class. (Yusuf adalah siswa yang paling pintar di kelas)


Dibawah ini adalah contoh teks tentang deskripsi sesorang

  I have a close friend named Olive. She is really smart. She always gets good grades. She is also kind and warm, that is why she has a lot of friends—especially because she is very helpful. She is still young, but she is really mature. She can give you great advice. She has fair skin and slim figure, also pretty face. You can say she is a kind of girl who is beautiful inside and outside.


(Saya memiliki teman dekat bernama Olive. Dia sangat pintar. Dia selalu mendapat nilai yang baik. Dia juga baik hati dan ramah, sebab itu dia punya banyak teman—khususnya karena ia suka menolong. Dia masih muda, namun dia sangat dewasa. Dia bisa memberi nasihat yang hebat. Dia memiliki warna kulit cerah dan tubuh yang ramping, serta wajah yang cantik. Dapat dikatakan dia adalah contoh perempuan yang cantik luar dalam).

Contoh simple describing a person

  My uncle is fat, has a thick mustache, a little beard but a bald head. Brown eyes, sharp nose with chubby cheeks because of his obesity. My uncle is very funny to tell stories and a little talkative.


Pamanku orangnya gendut, memiliki kumis tebal, sedikit jenggot namun kepala botak. Mata coklat, hidung mancung dengan pipi chubby karena kegemukannya. Pamanku sangat lucu pandai bercerita dan sedikit cerewet.

Saya akan akan memberi  contoh lain mendeskripsikan orang, saya akan mendeskripsikan adek perempuan saya

  I have a younger sister named Deanisa. My family call her "Nisa". She is still a toddler and he is only 1 year old. Her hair is long but on the forehead has not grown hair. Her teeth haven't grown much. She was able to walk at a young age. When he smiles his eyelids stick together making it look like she has narrow eyes. He also began to learn to speak and babble. When asked to count 1,2,3 she will scream on the count of three like this "satu, dua, tiii, GAAAA." Make it look funny and cute. She likes to play chase and laugh being chased.

Nah itu dia penjelasan mengenai describing a people atau deskripsi seseorang. Semoga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semuanya. Terima kasih.

Daftar sumber yang saya gunakan untuk blog kali ini




Kamis, 19 Januari 2023

What Is Descriptive Text?


Description Text

Halo lur, selamat datang di blog saya. Disini saya akan membahas mengenai apa itu description text? Contohnya apa saja? Digunakan untuk apa? Dan masih banyak lagi. Ayo simak dibawah ini!

Descriptive text is a text that contains descriptions of the properties of the object being described. With descriptive sentences, the reader seems to see, hear, and feel for himself what is conveyed in a text.

Generic Structure 
Descriptive text has two structures in it, namely identification and description.
Identification: Identification is part of the introduction of a text in descriptive text such as character recognition or character recognition as well as topics.
Description: That function is to be able to describe or also describe something in detail and complete from various colors, shapes, characteristics and so on.

Descriptive Text Elements
1. Nouns
Nouns using specific principle nouns, such as my cat, my swain, monument. In addition, often using adjectives to clarify the use of nouns or nouns, such as a giant house, a sensible student, associate degree independence lady. 
2. Simple Tense 
Simple tense using the basic verb or the first form (verb 1) and using the principle verb can show the ownership or state of an object. Descriptive text uses the easy tense because descriptive text tells a fact in the Iranian language the object being described. 
For example: My workplace has twenty two floors, Azka is pretty, and others. 
3. Action Verbs 
Action verbs using the verb principle shows an activity or an activity that can be seen. 
For example, sleep, walk, sing, dance, and others.
4. Figurative Language 
Figurative languange using Indonesian figurative principles or describing something, usually using a metaphor to provide an illustration to the reader. For example: My love for you is as massive because the ocean. - My love for you is as wide as the ocean. Her skin is as white because of the snow – Her skin is as white as snow.

Example Text about Description Text 

 My School

 My Junior High school’s building is not too far from my home. I usually go there by riding bicycle. I only need around 5-7 minutes to get there. Aside from daily routine in school which start from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m., at the afternoon I also go there to play or just to see basketball exercising.

 My school is not to big like the other school which has football field and auditorium. The main building only has 16 rooms. Each grade is divided into 8 classes, so that because the school only has 16 rooms, the first grade starts the class at 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.; the morning class is only for second and third grade.

 In addition to that, my school has also one basketball court, one lab, one hall which we call pendopo, one mosque, one canteen, teacher’s room, toilets and parking area. One place that I love most at school is the bench near a small pond. At the break time, I always sit at that bench and see the fish swimming.

Description Text About My School

Class DPIB in SMKN 4 Semarang

 DPIB is one of the majors in this school. Major DPIB has 5 rooms, 2 drawing labs, 2 computers labs, and 1 teacher's room majoring DPIB. The location is on the left of the school lobby.

 Drawing labs position close to each other. In front of the labs there is a badminton court, but the badminton court is often to play football. The lab has large size. Inside the labs there is a fairly large drawing table, a fan, a showcase for putting paper, a long blackboard, and a desk for the teacher. Some of the windows in class are broken, some don't even have glass. During the day the class feels hot because it is surrounded by other classes so that the air circulation is not very well. In this lab the student are thought to draw manually with a pencil or drawing penh

 For computer labs not located close together like the drawing lab, 1 is located behind the teacher's room majoring DPIB and another above the library in front of the Mosque. Inside the labs there is a computer and air conditioning. Here students are taught to use software for building and 3d modelling such as the AutoCAD and Sketchup applications.

Description About My Books For Lessons

Text 1

Class X History Package Book (Indonesian History)

 This book has many pages so it is thick and quite heavy.  The cover of the book is dark brown. This book is used as a  learning resource for class X history lessons. This book contains material on the history of human civilization in Indonesia, from early humans to the process of the establishment of Islamic empires in Indonesia. This book was published by the Center for Curriculum and Books, Balitbang, Ministry of Education and Culture and was written by 3 people, namely Restu Gunawan, Amurwani Dwi L, and Sadirman.

 This book has 3 chapters, Chapter 1 is about the origins of Indonesian ancestors, Chapter 2 is about the process of the entry of Hinduism and Buddhism into Indonesia, and Chapter 3 is about the process of the arrival of Islam in Indonesia.

Text 2

Class X Trigonometry Material Module

 Class X Trigonometry Material Module This module was made by my Mathematics teacher at school named Mrs. Wilda F.W. In this module there is basic material on Trigonometry material. This module has 8 pages and the material in it is packaged in various colors such as red, blue, yellow, etc. so it is interesting. Here, it explains how to convert angles from degrees to radians and vice versa, compares the sides of a right triangle, values sin, cos, and tan for special angles, relationships, and how to use angles of depression and elevation angles. On the first page it tells the tool for measuring angles, namely the Clinometer. On the next page, it will be explained how to convert the angles from degrees to radians. On page 3 there is material on how to determine the ratio of the sides of a triangle. On the next page there are values for special angles such as Sin 60°=½√3 and other ways of memorizing the values of special angles. Pages 5-6 contain trigonometry comparisons on relation angles. The next page contains material on angles of depression and elevation and the last page contains practice questions.

This is more example about description text

Text 1


 Banyuwangi is the easternmost city in East Java and is quite popular for its tourism. You can find fmany interesting tourist attractions with very affordable ticket prices.

 Not only the beauty of its tourist attractions, Banyuwangi also has various types of crafts to develop. Many unique culinary choices in Banyuwangi with a characteristic spicy taste.

Text 2


Tigers are included in the largest cat species with a characteristic sound and stripes on their fur. Including wild animals, tigers should not be approached carelessly, including when in the zoo.

 In search of food, tigers usually hunt prey such as rabbits, deer, deer and others. Having the ability to run very fast makes it easy for tigers to chase their prey.

Okay, so that's the material about what is descriptive text? I hope this blog is useful for all my friends. oh yes, I have also uploaded this material on the flipbook too, please check it, friends,
here's the link: 

Source i use for this blog

English Final Exam

   Assalamualaikum lur, welcome back to my blog. This time is completely different from the previous post, because this blog is the result o...