Hi slur kembali lagi di blog saya. Kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai describing place atau deskripsi tempat. Describing place merupakan penggambaran situasi maupun kondisi sebuah tempat
Tempat yang dideskripsikan merupakan tempat-tempat yang memiliki daya tarik wisatawan seperti bangunan bersejarah atau kuno, namun bisa saja tempat yang terkenal atau khas seperti tempat kuliner. Deskripsi tempat bertujuan agar pembaca atau pendengar tertarik untuk datang dan berkunjung ke tempat tersebut. Dengan banyaknya wisatawan yang berkunjung ke tempat tersebut bisa menambah penghasilan daerah dan membantu perekonomian masyarakat di sekitarnya.
Generic Structure
Untuk membuat sebuah teks deskriptif, diperlukan struktur penulisan yang dibagi ke dalam tiga bagian, diantaranya:
Introducton is the very first part of a descriptive text, which is located in the very first paragraph. In this section, the reasons why the place is told are mentioned. In addition, the introduction section also explains why this place is so special that it is famous, and so on.
2. Main Body
The main body is the core part of a descriptive sentence. In this section, the author tells about the place that is told. Starting from the general part of the story to the special part. For example, at the beginning it tells all the characteristics of the environment such as landscapes, buildings, weather, then proceeds to specific details to complete the explanation.
3. Conclusion
There is no paragraph without a closing, and it is in this conclusion that the sentence is closed. In this section, the writer tells how the writer feels after visiting the place.
Vocabulary adalah kosakata yang digunakan. Contoh Vocabulary yang digunakan dalam describing place :
Ancient = Kuno/langka
Romantic = Romantis
Beautiful = Indah
Tropical = Tropis
Boring = Membosankan
Traditional = Tradisional
Crowded = Penuh Sesak
Wild = Liar
Charming = Indah
Warm = Hangat
Excting = Menyenangkan
Unusual = Tidak Biasa
Expensive = Mahal
Unique = Unik
Word Order
Word Order adalah urutan penyusunan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.
Itu dia susunan word order yang baik dan benar. Dibawah ini contoh kalimat yang menggunakan word order:
1. She baked Portuguese egg tarts. (Dia memanggang Portuguese egg tarts.)
2. They found nothing. (Mereka tak menemukan apapun.)
3. Dini and her family love cats. (Dini dan keluarganya menyukai kucing.)
Contoh atau sample describing place
Ngrembel Asri
Ngrembel Asri is a tourist attraction located on Gunung Pati, Semarang. This tourist spot is attractive for family vacations, because there are various interesting rides available, for example; outbound rides, swimming pools, children's playgrounds, zoos, shopping rides, and so on.
This tourist object was built with an area of up to 3 hectares, of course it is very satisfying to be able to go for a walk to enjoy holiday moments with family. The place is also quite crowded with visitors, especially every holiday. Apart from lots of exciting rides, the place is very comfortable, lots of big and shady trees in the tourist area which makes it shady and beautiful.
Taking the kids on vacation on this tour will definitely make them happy, because there are many rides that are suitable for children. For example animal rides, this allows children to get to know more types of animals, from turtles, goats, iguanas, deer, to monitor lizards.
In addition, there are facilities such as a place to eat, so visitors don't have to worry when their stomach feels hungry. It is enough to visit the food stalls that are already available, just choose the menus that are appetizing. The price is quite friendly in the pocket, of course it fits the pockets of all groups.
With the Ngrebel Asri tour, this is of course good news for the people of Semarang. Now that you have a good place to fill your vacation time, instead of staying at home, it's better to have fun with your family on this tour.
Nah dibawah ini ada describing place hasil pengamatan saya sendiri
Barokah Sebatur is one of the tourist attractions in the Semarang area. The location is on Jalan Cangkiran-Gunungpati Km 04, Sekopek, Polaman, not far from the Pasar Gunungpati. Barokah Sebatur is open every day from 07.00-17.00.
The unique rural atmosphere makes Barokah Sebatur the perfect place to relax with family or even with friends. Various types of processed fish such as carp are available here, you can even choose the size or weight of the fish as you wish. The size and weight of the fish affect the price.
There are 2 cashiers here. Namely cashier 1 to order food and drinks on the west side and cashier 2 to buy tickets for the playground on the east side close to the small pond.
The entertainment facilities here include flying fox, fishing, water bikes, small ponds, water rickshaws and a playground. The fee for swimming in the small pool is IDR 15,000 with unlimited playing time. This pool is equipped with tire rentals of various models, slides and foam ejectors which will occasionally spout foam. For rides in the Playground, the tariff is IDR 20,000, bonus socks. At the Playground there are trampolines, ball baths, and also a mini train that goes around the playground. For flying fox and water rickshaws, a fee of IDR 15,000 is charged each.
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