Recount Text
Hi slur kembali lagi di blog saya. Nah kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai recount text. Nah apa itu recount text? mari simak lebih lanjut.
Recount text is a text that telling about story action or activity in the past. Stories can be in the form of activities before someone writes into the text.
Nah itu dia definition atau pengertian tentang recount text. Tanpa disadari, kita pasti sering menceritakan pengalaman lampau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Misal, bercerita tentang aktivitas berlibur, kegiatan sehari-hari, dll.
The Purpose of Recount Text(Tujuan)
Setiap teks memiliki tujuannya masing-masing. Nah recount text sendiri bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai suatu kejadian pada pembaca, atau menghibur pembaca. Dalam bahasa Inggris bisa kita katakan “to inform or to entertain the readers.”
Generic Structure of Recount Text (Struktur Recount Text)
Perlu kita ketahui bahwa teks apapun umumnya memiliki struktur penulisan. Pada teks recount pun tentu ada struktur yang harus kita ikuti. Generic structure of recount text ada tiga. Apa saja ya?cek di bawah ini lur!
1. Orientation
Orientation atau orientasi alias pengenalan adalah informasi mengenai tokoh atau karakter, lokasi, waktu kejadian, etc. Melalui orientation, harapannya pembaca dapat memahami jalan/alur cerita dari penulis.
2. Series of Events
Event adalah kejadian, sedangkan series berarti rangkaian. Dalam bagian ini, penulis akan menuliskan rangkaian mengenai peristiwa/kejadian yang mereka alami (inti dari recount text). Selain itu, biasanya para author atau penulis mengungkapkan personal remarks on the events, alias pernyataan pribadi mengenai cerita yang ditulis.
3. Reorientation
Dalam membuat recount text, akhir dari sebuah cerita disebut dengan reorientation. Pada bagian ini, penulis akan menuangkan rangkuman dan kesimpulan dari keseluruhan cerita sekaligus memberitahu ending-nya (sad/happy). Jika ada, penulis juga akan menambahkan kesan dan pesan untuk pembaca.
Types of Recount Text
Setelah mengetahui strukturnya kita akan membahas menganai tipe atau jenis-jenis recount text. Mari cek di bawah ini!
1. Personal Recount
Personal recount text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan mengenai pengalaman pribadi penulis. Personal recount adalah jenis paling umum yang sering ditemukan dalam penulisan recount.
2. Factual Recount
Factual recount text merupakan cerita untuk menyajikan laporan terkait peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta (benar-benar terjadi).
Jadi, ini tidak terpaku pada kejadian personal, bisa juga kejadian orang lain. Contohnya seperti laporan kepolisian.
3. Imaginative Recount
Imaginative recount adalah teks yang biasa digunakan seseorang sebagai cerita dari peristiwa imajinatif yang dialami oleh seseorang. Contohnya recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman penulis mengenai khayalan yang ia dapat dari mimpi.
4. Historical Recount
Historical recount adalah cerita yang isinya menceritakan peristiwa sejarah. Intinya, teks ini adalah cerita sejarah dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Procedural Recount
Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang isinya menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dapat dibuat atau digunakan melalui serangkaian langkah-langkah.
Language Feature pada Recount Text
Untuk membedakan recount dengan jenis text lain, recount text memiliki language feature yang umumnya ada di recount text untuk memperjelas fungsi dari recount text tersebut, berikut lima language feature pada recount text.
1. Menggunakan personal participant seperti I, my, me, etc. Dalam recount text, biasanya personal participant akan muncul di bagian orientation sebagai pengenalan tokoh ataupun karakter dalam cerita.
Contoh: last week I and my family visit to Ngrembel Asri.
2. Menggunakan Chronological Connection Chronological connector adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan terjadinya peristiwa seperti first, then, etc.
Contoh: We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant.
3. Menggunakan linking verb
Yaitu kata kerja yang menghubungkan antara subjek dan keterangan seperti were, was, heard, saw, etc
Contoh: Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.
4. Menggunakan action verb
Action verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat oleh orang lain.seperti go, look, change, run, etc.
Contoh: First, we visited Parangtritis beach.
5. Menggunakan simple past tense. Pola kalimatnya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu ada verbal sentence dengan rumus subject + verb 2 + complement dan nominal sentence yang rumusnya subject + be + complement.
Contoh: Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja.
Went merupakan bentuk simple past tense dari go.
Contoh Historical Recount Text
For more than 30 years, Indonesia was governed by Suharto as the president after the era of President Soekarno. As the people started to feel injustice, several cracks emerged that shook the political condition. Political tensions in the capital city increased by the numerous riots that occurred in several cities and violent ethnic clashes.
The government became unstable and struggled as a monetary crisis hit Asia in the second half of 1997. Indonesia suffered the most. Prices rose massively and many businesses went bankrupt. As the economy fell down, people got angry and protests occurred everywhere. The protests became bigger and riots started in many parts of Indonesia.
During the monetary crisis, Suharto could maintain his position as president when he was re-elected in March 1998. However, Suharto did not do anything that could help the economy. As the government seemed helpless in bringing the economy back, people demanded President Suharto to step down.
Demonstrations were held everywhere and it became the peak with the Trisakti incident on 12 May 1998. Four students were shot to death when demonstrating at Trisakti University at Jakarta and 9 students were killed at Semanggi. The incident led to huge riots in Jakarta and various cities all over Indonesia. Finally, Suharto was pushed to step down and the reformation era began in Indonesia.
Nah dibawah ini saya akan menceritakan tentang pengalaman saya pergi ke Barokah Sebatur Park.
Experince In Barokah Sebatur Park
A month ago I and my family going to Sebatur Barokah Park but my father didn't come along because he was working. ke. We go with two motorbike, I with my brother and my mother with my sister, younger sister and younger brother. The travel time is 20 minutes from the house to the location.
We went there to PKK RT meeting . Me with my brother and sister went to play, while my little sister was with my mother because she was still a baby. We went to the polls to swim, but I just looked them and watched them swim. The swimming pool is not too high so it is safe for small children to use. While waiting I play games so I don't get bored. After my brother and sister finished swimming and finish showering, then i went to buy pop mie so their bodies would feel warm.
After that we went over to my mother's to ask for money because my brother want to play flying fox. After being given the money we go to the flying fox game. My brother was very excited to try it because this was his first experience playing flying fox. He was very happy while gliding on the fying fox. After arriving at the destination point, I approached him and led him back to the starting point to remove the safety.
When we come back and go to my mother. We were offered to eat first. I also feel embarrassed to eat, but yes, the name has been offered, so it must be accepted gracefully. We eat grilled fish and ice tea. Because there was still a lot of food left, some moms also wrapped the food for they family at home, including my mother. After it was finished, the chairman closed the event and after finishing, we are going home. After arriving home I felt glad and happy after go there.
Nah dibawah ini adalah video saya menceritakan ulang teks diatas
Nah itu dia lur materi tentang tentang recount text. Saya harap informasi ini bermanfaat dan membantu teman teman semua. Terimakasih sudah mengunjungi dan membaca sampai akhir.
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